Wednesday, August 04, 2004

What does Ashcroft think he's doing!?

From the sectors of WTF and politics:
   The justice department ordered public libraries to destroy certain documents that it feels are not necessary to the public, or, as it says, are not "appropriate for external use." Sounding Fahrenheit 451/9-11 -ish yet? Wait, there's more:
   The documents are public law documents. They would be accessible only to those with access to law libraries!
The topics addressed in the named documents include information on how citizens can retrieve items that may have been confiscated by the government during an investigation. The documents to be removed and destroyed include: Civil and Criminal Forfeiture Procedure; Select Criminal Forfeiture Forms; Select Federal Asset Forfeiture Statutes; Asset forfeiture and money laundering resource directory; and Civil Asset Forfeiture Reform Act of 2000 (CAFRA).

Luckily, they later decided that the documents are "not sufficiently sensitive to require removal from the depository library system."
However, when a country can "detain" anyone it wants without a clear reason for any amount of time and when it comes this close to keeping necessary public information from the public, it's time for some serious changes.
Looky here! (Via BoingBoing)

Cow here.
Revolution! *pumps fist*
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