Tuesday, September 21, 2004


   I am excited. Why, you might ask. Well, let me tell you. Someone I admire named (Robert) Scoble, who has a section of virtual space on a large networked collection of computers that covers the entire planet earth, has added to his section a small collection of typed characters unlike many of the others on his "site" or "blog" as some call it, in that these letters are blue (rather than black) and underlined (rather than not), and has set these characters up (with HTML coding wizardry) in such a way that when others on the " 'net " click their pointing devices upon these characters, they are whisked away to my small and rather unknown corner of virtual space. (That was one tremendously long sentence!)
   In other words, I got "Scobleized," as they say, though I find the word "Scobleized" somewhat inferior to my decription of the process above. ;-P In any case, I would like to welcome new readers, and (in a typical self-plugging fashion) urge them to check out this little bit of blog I've got going here. In fact, I realize, that I have forgotten to post this, but:
   For your convenience, www.BurningFlare.com leads to this blog, as well as http://thewayofthespoon.blogspot.com.
   I also realize that my template is somewhat... default, for lack of a better term. This is because I had to delete my last one and kept putting off the modifications on this new one, including links and maybe even Technorati integration. No worries, I'll eventually find time to work on that as well. And yes, I do have a feed (Atom) which I'll link to as well.
   Finally, I realize I need to clarify something. I wasn't clear in my letter to Scoble about this, but I didn't single-handedly get the school to start using tablets. At the time I got mine, Learning Unleashed was already seriously thinking about using tablets. I only provide input and ideas as well as a student's point of view.

Oh yeah, and before I forget, is there a way to get traffic information from Blogger? Right now, the only way I've got of seeing the effects of my "Scobleization," if you will, is though Technorati. Drop me a comment if you've got a solution.

Good work!

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